Advanced Drone Technology for Mobile Home Park Auditing

24.01.24 05:55 PM By Due Diligence Partners

Not Just A Bird's Eye View

This article’s take-away for industry experts: Are you leveraging all drone Tech?

Due Diligence Partners (DDP) sets a new standard with its innovative use of drone technology for MHP & RV investors with its drone package. This approach is not just a pretty flyover for visual appeal; it represents a critical part of on-site due diligence and auditing service, or as we call it - Recon.

A Comprehensive Drone Package

DDP's drone package is a comprehensive suite, including:

  1. 2D and 3D Interactive Maps: These maps are generated from hundreds or even thousands of stitched-together images, providing detailed audit capabilities for inventory and infrastructure.
  2. Interactive Topography Map: Accurate to the inch, this map is crucial for identifying drainage and flooding problems, offering insights into necessary fixes.
  3. High-Resolution Rooftop Images: Capturing the minutiae of rooftops owned by the park, these images are key to identifying problems invisible from ground level.
  4. Still Pictures: High-resolution images from various angles offer a thorough visual documentation of the property.
  5. Manual Flyover and Marketing Video: A source video for marketing purposes, providing a comprehensive view of the property.

Technical Precision in Auditing

The use of these tools allows investors to provide exact counts of critical elements like potholes, tenant-owned homes, park-owned homes, and other structures. This level of detail supports precise auditing and ensures that no deferred maintenance is overlooked. For example, the ability to quantify road issues with exact numbers of potholes or square footage needing repair offers a clear picture for maintenance and negotiations (retrades).

Application in Investment Decisions

This tech is not just about gathering data; it’s about transforming it into actionable insights for investors. From identifying potential problem areas to aiding in strategic planning, and quantifying critical deferred maintenance totals. The data serves as a crucial tool in decision-making processes.

DDP: Leading with Innovation

At Due Diligence Partners, the integration of advanced drone technology in mobile home park auditing exemplifies our commitment to precision, innovation, and quality service in the industry.

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