Contact US
Don't hesitate to call us if you are not sure about what questions to ask. The basics we want to know to be able to help are:
(1) number of total lots - both developed and undeveloped and if there is any vacant land,
(2) type of utilities,
(3) number of occupied/ vacant lots,
(4) all structures including any small structures,
(5) number of park owned homes (including RTOs, notes, wrapped financing, etc, if the park holds title, we want to hear about it),
(6) and how quickly you are needing to start both your Offsite and Recon (onsite) DD. By giving us the address, we are able to quickly look up a lot of basic information for getting you a quote and getting you on the schedule if possible. We work with both first time park investors to the larger national operators. We look forward to chatting with you!