MHP Due Diligence Blog

How To Perform Due Diligence on A Park ONLY Using AI

How To Perform Due Diligence on A Park ONLY Using AI

    Okay, full disclosure: the title is clickbait. While AI can be used for some offsite tasks it cannot be used for onsite. That is until Due Diligence Partners unveils their first onsite droid. Some AI applications and tactics...

06.03.24 03:34 PM - Comment(s)
Advanced Drone Technology for Mobile Home Park Auditing

This article’s take-away for industry experts: Are you leveraging all drone Tech?

Due Diligence Partners (DDP) sets a new standard with its innovative use of drone technology for MHP & RV investors with its drone package. This a...

24.01.24 05:55 PM - Comment(s)
Inspecting Other Structures
How to perform inspections on different structures for mobile home park due diligence. We've seen it all, almost! Here is a comprehensive list of other possible structures and what to do.
04.05.23 04:29 PM - Comment(s)
DD "Top Three" Lists
These are some top three lists from our team of due diligence items to look out for and what to do!
26.12.22 03:38 PM - Comment(s)
What To Ask The City, Legal NON-Conforming Means Diddly Squat!?

/\ Warning #1you will learn something to ask you did not think of as part of your Due Diligence.

/\ Warning #2this info will be as valuable for the experienced investor as it is for the rookie buyer.  


26.11.21 10:38 AM - Comment(s)
Why inspect raw land and dozens of ways to use it
Vacant land that conveys with parks can be an asset or a huge liability. Knowing what to do with it requires both good DD and some creativity. In this post, we share how to perform due diligence on vacant mobile home park land and what the possible uses are.
08.10.21 05:54 PM - Comment(s)
Does a Pit Bull or Chihuahua bite hurt more?
This is a cautionary tale about getting bit by a Pit Bull or Chihuahua while performing onsite Due Diligence. Jokes aside, this article provides tactics on what to look for and document. Additionally, current liability and incident insurance information is provided.
28.09.21 09:45 AM - Comment(s)